Meet Meaghan
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
— Howard Thurman
Meaghan Farquharson is deeply committed to helping you find healing. After being lost at sea for 40 hours during a shipwreck accident off the coast of Brazil in 2010, her own recovery from post-traumatic stress has ignited her passion to empower those who have experienced abuse, tragedy and life-altering events. She skillfully guides clients to move forward with their lives courageously by supporting them to discover renewed strength and build trust and confidence in their own inner wisdom.
A registered psychologist, clinical counsellor and certified yoga instructor, Meaghan has worked in hospital psychiatric wards, prisons, addictions treatment centers, homeless shelters, palliative care facilities, and the Victim Services Unit of the RCMP. She loves adventure, and has also spent many nights out under the stars leading wilderness expeditions.
Meaghan has a specialization in cross-cultural psychology, and often integrates sacred self care rituals, the healing arts, land- techniques and psycho-somatic approaches to healing trauma into her intuitive counselling practice. Having traveled to over 50 countries worldwide, she has often led intercultural and diversity training for an array of service providers, including the federal government. Meaghan is a member of the Metis Nation of Alberta, and enjoys sharing the teachings she has received through the honor of participating in cultural events and ceremonies in Aboriginal communities across Canada and internationally.
Her current community projects include facilitating recovery circles for families affected by the flooding in Southern Alberta, and partnering with an African NGO -Peace and Conflict Resolution- to provide trauma counselling training for women who have been affected by poverty and sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.